
小雨 (xiao yu / kosame/drizzle) 
Tokyo-based photographer/mix media artist 
I  grew up in China, moved to the US(Midwest-> NC-> So Cal -> Midwest again), and been living in Tokyo since 2023. 
I speak English/中文/日本語, All works are mine. please don't use them without permission

what i’ve been doing lately
watching old adult swim cartoons
making zines 
thinking about jellyfish

taking lots of walks, mostly nocturnal
looking at things
exam prep(shut up)
bookmaking + self-publishing
curating....my life, so collecting small and meaningless things
i  listen to
shoe-gaze, alt rock, brit-pop, 90s hip hop, lyrical rap, 00s new metal, every other sub-genre of metal, and basically everything else. 
genre agnostic music enjoyer

what i like
small nature, like people's backyards or that corner of the park 
the color green(yellowish) and light blue-tinted purple
rain, snow, bad weather...extreme weather
sea creatures 
theme parks/zoo/aquarium
holiday season 
warm fuzzy feelings 
the blue before dawn and occasionally at dusk
full moon
fireworks, christmas lights, everything that glitters or glimmers
glow in the dark

say hi already you've read this far! 

こんにちは、小雨(xiao yu/kosame/drizzle) です。


希望你喜欢我的诗和照片。其实还有好多好多好多... 但整理不出来,也总忘记发。怎么办呢???

personal project by luna aka 小雨 @2024
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